Amtrak Joe VS the Modern Robber Barons

Some important media came out this week about rail.  Please take a look:

Amtrak Joe vs. the Modern Robber Barons


This essay beautifully weaves the details of our modern rail dilemma into a call to action. Critics of so-called "Precision Scheduled Railroading" (aka "PSR") and the under-regulation of this critical infrastructure have gathered the evidence to convict this extractive business model. Courage to claw back and reclaim this infrastructure before it is squandered relies on people like us to insist that policy makers put freight railroads back into the service of 21st Century public interests, not Wall St. greed. 

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Solutionary Rail Proposal - Key Points

Solutionary Rail is a PEOPLE-Powered infrastructural proposal that requires a broad grassroots alliance to make it happen with the public benefit components in tact.  That is why it is ESSENTIAL that people like YOU understand the key aspects and that you invest in this compelling, positive, and doable proposal.SR-Cover-Color-1080px.jpg

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Press Release: Campaign for rail electrification in US aims to unite unlikely allies

[Go to full article Author to view video greeting from activist co-founder of Bill McKibben] 



Solutionary Rail - Campaign for rail electrification in US aims to unite unlikely allies (in fractious times). 
Contact for more information: Bill Moyer, 206-356-9980, [email protected]

[Review copies of the Solutionary Rail book or ebook are available for press upon request]

"Rail electrification, as proposed in this remarkable book, is that rarest of things: a genuinely new idea, and one that makes immediate gut sense." ~ Bill McKibben

When the United States seems intensely divided and polarized beyond collaboration, a new book declares that our railroads hold the promise of uniting communities and diverse sectors of our country in common cause for the common good.  Solutionary Rail: A people-powered campaign to electrify America’s railroads and open corridors to a clean energy future was released in November 2016, just days after the 2016 election. 

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Press Release: Campaign for rail electrification in US to unite unlikely allies launches in Tacoma, Jan 7, 2017

Campaign for rail electrification in US to unite unlikely allies launches in Tacoma, Jan 7, 2017


Solutionary Rail Campaign Launch and Book Celebration  
When: 3-5 pm, January 7, 2017 
Where: Union Station 1717 PACIFIC Ave Tacoma, WA 98402
Contact for more information: Bill Moyer, 206-356-9980, [email protected]
RSVP to attend at

[Review copies of the Solutionary Rail book and ebook are available to media upon request]

"Rail electrification, as proposed in this remarkable book, is that rarest of things: a genuinely new idea, and one that makes immediate gut sense." ~ Bill McKibben

On January 7, 2017 from 3-5 pm (Pacific) amidst glass art by Chihuly, the organizers of the Solutionary Rail campaign are holding a launch party for the campaign and celebration of the publication of their new book in Tacoma, Washington's historic Union Station . Climate activist Bill McKibben, who wrote the foreword to the Solutionary Rail book will be greeting people by video.  The team that authored the book will present an overview of the plan and strategy moving forward.  Allies will give testimonials of support amidst music and merriment.  Admission to the event is FREE, but an RSVP is required to attend.


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Thom Hartmann Interviews Bill Moyer about Solutionary Rail

On Tuesday, August 22 Thom Hartmann's show featured a segment on Solutionary Rail.  It was a special honor to be able to talk with Thom about the project. I deeply appreciate that opportunity and am grateful to Thom and his producer for squeezing me in. Please check it out the interview and then share it with your friends and family.

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Solutionary Rail Book Reviews

"Provocative"  "Remarkable" "Indispensable" "Tangible"  "Fresh Ideas"  "Comprehensive" "Brilliant!"

That's what experts and people you respect are saying about Backbone Campaign's upcoming book Solutionary Rail.


Busy folks like Bill McKibben, Dennis Hayes, Wenonah Hauter, Gar Alperovitz, and many others took the time to read our manuscript.  

Check out what they are saying and then please take a couple minutes to help us get this book printed and across the country this 2016 election season by Pitching-in here.  We will send you a copy of the book and other premiums according to your contribution. 

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