2020 Solutionary Rail Symposium

The 2020 Solutionary Rail Symposium will happen May 11, 2020 at the Congressional Visitors Center in Washington DC.

The purpose of this gathering is to nurture and expand the growing Solutionary Rail (SR) unconventional alliance and increase its influence amongst federal policy makers. Approximately 80 attendees, including representatives from stakeholder groups such as tribes, labor, rural and agricultural communities, and urban communities impacted by diesel emissions from our current freight system, will gather for a full day of panels, presentations and conversations. Rail, transmission, beneficial electrification and logistics experts will augment these community groups. 

  • Carefully crafted problem statements will catalyze discussions to illuminate overlapping social, environmental and economic challenges SR aims to address.
  • We will explore the potential beneficial impacts of mode shift, renewable energy transmission and electrified rail, with an emphasis on gaining a deeper understanding of the local realities of communities for whom SR could deliver materials benefits.
  • We will aggressively seek opportunities for further cross sector collaboration, joint action and deepening mutual understanding amongst allies identifying the how and next steps of making Solutionary Rail a reality. 

The following days, May 12-13, will include strategy sessions and satellite meetings amongst stakeholders, policymakers, agency and congressional staff.  The gathering is timed to coincide with Infrastructure Week in DC.

Space is limited; please indicate your availability and commitment to attend by RSVP'ing below.  

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in DC on Monday, May 11th. (Follow up logistics will be sent by email by March 15th)

- Bill Moyer and the Solutionary Rail Team

May 11, 2020 at 9:00am - 5pm
Congressional Visitors Center, Washington DC
Bill Moyer ·

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