Do you think the railroads and rail entities are going to be willing to work with such a project?


BNSF, UP, Norfolk Southern, the American Association of Railroads and other entities have investigated the idea of electrification in the past and are knowledgeable about the potential benefits. Railroads, like any company, are always interested in projects and technologies that can improve their operations and profits.


The American Association of Railroads (AAR) have a strong research component with the Transportation Technology Center (TTC) near Pueblo, CO and are constantly researching and proving new technologies that can increase their efficiencies

The large up-front costs may be the reason the railroads have not pursued this improvement on their own combined with the higher taxes levied on them from improvements in their infrastructure.

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  • James Dam
    followed this page 2017-03-17 21:39:03 -0700
  • Daniel Bilka
    published this page in Frequently Asked Questions 2017-02-06 19:41:16 -0800
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