RSVP below to join our February Solutionary Rail Hive Call:
Tuesday, February 11th
5pm Pacific / 7pm Central / 8pm Eastern
Things are really moving along, with our passenger rail bill in the Washington State Legislature, the third episode of the Reconnect America podcast dropping any day, and a potential symposium in May. We'll organize ourselves into SR Teams, so we can tackle the many aspects of this work efficiently. Join us to hear the latest updates and, if you can, join a Team to keep building momentum.
5:00 - 5:10 pm - Welcome SR Updates/News
Reconnect America Podcast Updates
- Look out for episode 3, focusing on Amtrak.
- Interview with Basel Musharbash, antitrust lawyer, and author of “Kings Over the Necessaries of Life”: Monopolization and the Elimination of Competition in America’s Agriculture System
5:10 - 5:20
Rail Can’t Wait Campaign – Mary
- WA State legislation: establishing intercity passenger rail improvement priorities
- RCW panel testimonies
- How to take action
5:20 - 5:30
SR Teams
Introducing SR Teams
- Solutionary Rail Ambassadors
- Railyard Switcher Inventory
- Rosalia-to-Pasco Shortline Access Corridor (WA)
- Rail Can’t Wait Coalition (WA)
- Omaha Rail Symposium (check out the flyer from 2019 Omaha symposium)
- Signup Form
Introducing SR Teams
5:30 - 5:45
- Break Outs
5:45 - 5:55
- Report Back from Break Outs
5:55 - 6:10 pm
- News from the Hive
Adjourn at 6:15 pm; next call Tuesday, March 11
February 11, 2025 at 5:00pm - 6:15pm
Bill Moyer
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