Implement the Amtrak Cascades Long Range Plan


(Click here to skip to the "ASK" in the video.)

Thanks to our friends at the Climate Rail Alliance, Washington State Legislators are hearing about a transportation-based climate solution - the restarting of the Amtrak Cascades Long Range Plan (LRP).

You can significantly move this forward by sending emails to the 3 elected officials in your district!  

What are we asking for?  

Two things:

  1. State funding to update the Amtrak Cascades Long Range Plan, and
  2. State legislators to work with WSDOT to request that Federal Railroad Administration grant programs be generously funded by the federal government.

Note:  We need for an agency official (from WSDOT, for example) to request that Senator Cantwell and Senator Murray ensure that adequate funding is included in the Federal Railroad Administration discretionary grant programs that can fund state passenger rail service via grant awards. 

Why are we asking for this?

The Amtrak Cascades LRP can deliver a proportionate, achievable and impactful transportation solution for our State. And it can serve as a Solutionary Rail pilot project, a huge step for lowering greenhouse gas emissions, tire and air pollution, congestion, wear and tear, and much more.

Additional info HERE

Article by Bill Moyer and Tom White on ACLRP HERE

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