Together, We Can Harness Rail to Reconnect America

Solutionary Rail fights for a new approach to US rail that could help solve some of the most vexing problems of our time. From reaching our carbon reduction goals to revitalizing rural economies to giving urban communities the clean air we all deserve to breathe, railroads are a solution hiding in plain sight. 

Please invest in our ambitious and disproportionately impactful work. Together, we absolutely can transform even this moment into a future we can be proud to hand our children. 

Please scroll down to make your contribution - or check out these other ways to donate:

  • Prefer Paypal? Find us HERE - use the drop down menu to choose Solutionary Rail.

  • Recurring (monthly) donations are especially helpful, providing regular support we can count on. Head over to this page to sign up for a monthly donation!

  • Giving from a Donor Advised Fund? Contribute to Backbone Campaign, our fiscal sponsor (EIN 93-1271427) - please note in the Designation field that it is for Solutionary Rail. 

  • Prefer check? Mail to: Solutionary Rail, PO Box 278, Vashon WA 98070.
  • Stock to donate?  Contact our office by emailing [email protected].

  • Solutionary Rail is a project of the Backbone Campaign, a 501(c)3* not for profit. 

This project relies entirely on donations from individuals like you and could not exist without your support. Together, we will make the seemingly impossible inevitable!  

(*Backbone Campaign has a 4-star (97%) rating on Charity Navigator and a Platinum badge for Transparency (the highest level) on Candid/Guidestar!)



$58,633.00 raised
GOAL: $100,000.00



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