Fast, Reliable Amtrak Service in Washington/Oregon by 2030-2035 - Briefing 7/31/24

On July 31, 2024, members of the Rail Can't Wait Campaign, delivered a briefing on how we can achieve Fast, Reliable Amtrak Service in Washington/Oregon by 2030-2035.  Sponsoring organizations included Solutionary Rail, Climate Rail Alliance, 350Seattle, and Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility.

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Rail Cant Wait is a campaign initiated in 2021 by organizations across the political spectrum who advocate for rapid mode shift to freight and passenger rail by 2030 and soon after, in order to take full advantage of rail’s low emissions and energy efficiency.

(For essential background on the Amtrak Cascades program, be sure to read Tom White's Amtrak Cascades Improvement Program 2024, with the history, challenges, projects, and assessment of where we are now.)

Download a consolidated PDF version of the slides used in the presentation HERE

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