How will Solutionary Rail impact the trucking industry?


Trucks cannot be eliminated entirely from the freight transport. A short haul by truck is usually required at each of the trip (to and from rail)…. Yet even if the rail trip is 50% longer than the road trip it replaces, this still yields substantial energy savings. 

PG 19 of Solutionary Rail’s book. PG 39-42

Solutionary Rail strives to work with the trucking industry, not opposed to it. Solutionary Rail hopes to offset long haul trucking and the great fuel consumption it incurs. Currently the trucking industry is facing a shortage of drivers with the average age of divers increasing at a rapid pace.

Overall, we wish to strive to work with the trucking industry, expanding the use and reliability of intermodal options for mutual benefits of everyone, including railroads and trucking industry. Rail and trucking are only parts of a larger interconnected transportation network and should be been as such.

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