About Us

Solutionary Rail is a campaign to put US rail and rail corridors in service of the public interest. We are building an unconventional alliance by amplifying a sense of common cause among often unlikely allies by leaning into the Reconnect America theme to transcend political polarization. Solutionary Rail champions the use of rail transport and rail corridors to address environmental, social and climate crises. 

Our objectives are threefold: 

  1. electrification of freight and passenger rail, prioritizing rail yards that impact community health,
  2. modeshift of freight and passengers off trucks, cars and planes and onto trains through improvements in capacity, access and service,
  3. electric transmission along railroad rights-of-way to unlock stranded renewable energy resources. 


Solutionary Rail is a project of the Backbone Campaign, a 501c3 not for profit organization based in Washington State that began in 2004. Backbone Campaign uses creative props to animate community values, in order to manifest a world where life, community, nature, and our obligations to future generations are honored as sacred. 

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  • Amy Morrison
    published this page 2024-09-10 12:09:38 -0700
Pitch In Join the Team Reconnect America