Sharing info with your legislators on Funding Electrified Rail

Please share RailBites far and wide, especially with policymakers/elected officials in your state legislatures and in the federal House and Senate. We are trying to nurture interest and build momentum among our legislators.
  • A possible email subject line is: "Funding for an Electrified Railroad & Renewable Energy Transmission - RailBite #6"
  • Download the PDF of RailBite #6 and attach it to your email.
Here's some sample language:

FROM: YOUR NAME, Solutionary Rail
Many of us are concerned about our transportation infrastructure. Solutionary Rail's plan for public-private partnerships in railroad electrification could be a helpful way forward. Attached is our most recent "RailBite" on what we call the "Steel Interstate Development Authority" (SIDA) to fund and oversee the construction and operation of an electrified railroad for freight and passengers.
Some of the basics of the Solutionary Rail plan:
 Electrification of railroad via overhead power lines above existing track
*  Additional set of powerlines to transmit solar and wind electricity from stranded regions to towns and cities
 Return of freight business to railroad, using trucks for shorter distances where railroad does not go
 Fewer trucks on roadways and interstates, relieving wear and tear, congestion, accidents

Solutionary Rail is a national plan that could be implemented on a state level -- why not begin with YOUR STATE'S NAME?

Please see our 3 minute video for an introduction to Solutionary Rail.
The whole series of RailBites we've published to date are available on the website.
With thanks,