The Solutionary Rail Organizing Team will meet via video conferencing Thursday, December 5th, Noon (Pacific)/3pm (Eastern).
We'll discuss next steps, new research and findings, and begin preparations for outreach and briefings in 2020.
RSVP Below and the Zoom Link will be emailed to you.
Greeting Friends of Solutionary Rail,
I wanted to be sure everyone got to see the submission to the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. Mary Paterson led the way. Her work on the RailBites, along with everyone's contributions to the Objectives document provided us great content. It was especially Mary's work in the days leading up to the submission and then a final wrestling out of my overtired/delirious hands that got it over the finish line. The files are available in this shared Google Folder. Any deficit in this submission is on me. Another huge bow of gratitude to Mary.
I look forward to discussing next steps on this Thursday's call (12/5 Noon Pacific). RSVP BELOW
Since the submission I have done a great deal more work on the Moonshot Modeshift idea. You can access some of my obsessive work on the concept and some math on how we get to burning 10-20 billion less gallons of diesel and saving $30-60 billion dollars. I'm sure it needs work, but I am trying to get to a general baseline for costs and benefits with the data that is available via the Freight Analysis Framework. This tool may be a significant building block for a future tool to empower local Solutionary Rail/Modeshift advocates to make generate data on local costs and benefits.
Carol Werner continues to be in touch with the committee staff and let us know that the committee staff will continue to take input. They also have goals for convening hearings and some of our follow-up should likely be focused on providing suggestions for folks to testify and subjects.
I'm hoping that one aspect of our follow-up will include updating them on the progress with the Moonshot Modeshift idea, and suggest a panel of experts who can elaborate on why such a modeshift would be beneficial and the monumental challenges that make it such a "moonshot."
It would be great to get your ideas for staffing these panels and framing the proposals - perhaps some variation on these:
- The Electron SuperHighway,
- Addressing the threat of PSR from Labor & Shippers,
- Just Transition & Public Benefits for Public Investment,
- Rapid Freight Technologies,
- Steel Interstate Development Authority and other mechanisms for PPP are some possible topics.
Lastly, I continue to reach out to folks with a variety of expertise. Steven Witmeyer has engaged generously, sharing many documents and insights. His vast experience in the history of US freight rail has inspired me to create an entire folder with the contributions he's shared (pluss a few more) HERE.
I'm grateful to all of you for all you've done and shared throughout this process.
Bill Moyer

December 05, 2019 at 12:00pm - 1pm
Zoom Video Conferencing
Bill Moyer
· 206-408-8058